Author Topic: when, when, when  (Read 2919 times)


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when, when, when
on: March 16, 2018, 03:27:57 AM
This post relates to the following:

..... Art Studio Pro v.1.1.6 (March 12, 2018)
..... iPad Pro 10.0.2
..... Apple Pencil

My last post was basically ignored. Tim answered, but either he didn't try my step-by-step to reproduce my problem, or he... I don't know.

So I'll spare myself some time and just ask when you think the brushes might work.

By that I mean that each and every preset can be individually reset, the settings function as they are supposed to, the settings don't ALL go back to defaults when you only want to reset one item to defaults, and they don't keep reverting to presets you've never used, or at least not in months, every time you blink, etc., etc., etc.

I've been pretty patient, but a lot of time has gone by, and, in my opinion, this isn't even ready for beta testing (at least in the brush area), let alone several months in public release.

Having said that, I've made use of it for cropping. That works well.


But to do art, to sketch and paint, I continue to use Procreate. All I really wanted was to have some fun with this and sketch a few things. But that is IMPOSSIBLE for me, given that I tend to make my own brushes for everything, and your entire brush system is chaos, in my opinion.

Last Edit: March 16, 2018, 03:30:57 AM by 1000brushes

Lucky Clan

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Re: when, when, when
Reply #1 on: March 16, 2018, 04:23:19 AM
In Artstudio Pro reset does not make sense because you cannot modify builtin brushes.
I mean after you modify it, app automatically creates new group, leaving original builtin group unchanged.