I was using the keyboard shortcut toggle “D” for the blend tool when I saw that it caused the Favorites Presets Toolbar to lose focus. Since the blend tool is adjusting the strokes of using whatever brush you have selected in Favorites Presets Toolbar - the Blend tool could act as a toggle with that brush. So losing focus in this case would be a mistake. Because if you have a keyboard shortcut toggle with the Blend tool...why would the shortcut cause the Favorites Presets Toolbar to lose focus for? It doesn’t make sense that invoking a keyboard shortcut would cause the Favorites Preset Toolbar to lose focus like this. After all...I’m not tapping on the other toolbars for the Favorites Presets to lose focus. I was simply using a keyboard shortcut. Can this behavior be fixed so that using a keyboard shortcut DOESN’T cause the Favorites Presets Toolbar to lose focus? Thanks.