Author Topic: Customizing brushes  (Read 10544 times)


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Customizing brushes
on: December 16, 2017, 11:37:51 AM
Hello I just wanted to know if you can make you own brushes in the pro version?  It was easy to do in the original art studio, but I can’t figure out how to do it or if it’s even possible to do in pro.

Lucky Clan

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Re: Customizing brushes
Reply #1 on: December 16, 2017, 02:44:17 PM
If you want to create brush with your own "stamp", "aux stamp" or "pattern" - first you have to preapre the image.
Stamp Image can be any size and ratio (square or any rectange). It must contains black (or gray) shape on white background, for example black circle on white background.
After you create the image, tap File->Add Preset->Add Brush Stamp Preset. Make the same steps to create Aux stamp.
Pattern is similar - create image, brushes uses only grayscale patterns, so it should be grayscale.
After you finish tap File->Add Preset->Add Grayscale Pattern Preset.

Now you can start working on the brush. Choose any tool that needs brush, for example Paint tool.
Choose any brush that is similar to the one you want ot create. To set your own stamp go to Stamp, choose Generator-Image, tap on Image below to open Stamps library. Your stamp should be there. The same steps to set aux stamp and pattern

After you finish working on the brush you should save it - drag brush preview (zigzak at the top) to the list at the bottom of Brush Editor popover. You can also tap "Gear" icon at the bottom-right, and choose "Add Current".