Author Topic: UI Suggestions from a newcomer.  (Read 1764 times)


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UI Suggestions from a newcomer.
on: October 25, 2020, 07:54:06 AM

I am new to digital art and art in general.  I am a enthusiast photographer that dabbled in some traditional art when growing up but never really stuck with it to learn.  So here I am learning now as photography although I love it; it is not the same as creating with your mind and hands.

With that out of the way I chose art studio pro on the iPad over procreate because after spending lots of hours with both messing around the ASP brush engine is just superb.

I do have a few little squabbles mainly pertaining to the little side panel sliders for brush size and flow/opacity.

1.  These sliders are small.  I find I use my thumb on these and it would be nice if they filled the side panel more similar to the HSB toggle on this side panel.

2. The size and flow/opacity sliders on this side panel are way too sensitive causing large size jumps when using my thumb.

3. Maybe make size flow/opacity panel have all 3 like the hsb toggle it can be slow having go into the brush hamburger to limit max opacity.  This one is more preference due to my post processing background I tend to work with both flow and opacity in tandem.

4. The side panel again I would love to see another state to this that can display a pallet.  Maybe have a hamburger option at the bottom to select a saved pallet or recently used pallet.

Thanks for making a awesome software.

Edit: point 3 stricken did not realize this is dynamic based on the brush settings so no need for 3 sliders as I can ensure the right slider is there depending on the brush.
Last Edit: October 25, 2020, 01:13:08 PM by wljr


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Re: UI Suggestions from a newcomer.
Reply #1 on: October 27, 2020, 08:28:50 PM
Now that I am actually discovering stuff in the software I realize these suggestions are moot.  Everything here minus recent colors is solved by gesture size and opacity + turning on swatches in the view menu.

Instead I suggest a user guide  ;D. That aside the app is pretty self discoverable and still amazing.