Author Topic: My last suggestion  (Read 4057 times)


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My last suggestion
on: May 26, 2019, 09:19:18 PM
Now you can see for yourself what that idiotic Apple App Store policy does to great apps: all free upgrades, dollar store prices, no trials, etc. There are simply no insentives for the developers to kill themselves over app improvements. Many apps are not getting upgrades for years. ASP used to be almost a unique exception, especially as an app coming not from the global Corp.

It's very good as is. There are simply no need for any laborious and unnecessary additions. Of course it'd be nice to have some vector support or smart selection/separation tools, but that's a lot of work.

These, however, are fairly simple but much needed additions:

1. Eye dropper in the Color Editor window.
2. Tolerance in Selective Color, Color to Transparency and any other places, where it's absolutely essential to have.
3. Full artwork thumbnail overlay, that can be open or closed if necessary. Bringing a full view with two-finger pinch is a great addition, but the problem is that you have to go back to the same place if you're working on the fine detail. Maybe if another two-finger pinch can take you back there, there would be no need for this feature.

I wrote about it, but it's worth mentioning one more time: the worst part of doing art on iPad is that there is no "step back" from the canvas like in real art. Hence it's absolutely critical not to lose the whole art view while working on the smallest detail. Being able to drag such thumbnail window would also be great. I know this is not relevant for my colleagues working on phones or mini tablets, that's why I made it the last suggestion.


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Re: My last suggestion
Reply #1 on: May 27, 2019, 06:07:09 PM
what are you talking about? this app gets updates quite frequently


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Re: My last suggestion
Reply #2 on: May 29, 2019, 12:23:23 PM
I wouldn't mind paying in full again for a major update once a year or so (maybe as an in-app purchase) if that means I could provide further motive for the developers to keep going and support a healthier online business model that's not subscription based.


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Re: My last suggestion
Reply #3 on: May 29, 2019, 07:15:57 PM
I wouldn't mind paying in full again for a major update once a year or so (maybe as an in-app purchase) if that means I could provide further motive for the developers to keep going and support a healthier online business model that's not subscription based.

You should ask for access to the beta, they update it a lot, a major version is coming :)


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Re: My last suggestion
Reply #4 on: May 30, 2019, 08:41:27 AM
Sure, It would be really interesting to be able to take it for a test drive if there’s a need for beta testers.