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Messages - Lucky Clan

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Ok. Just keep in mind that swatches and other color controls will look different when active document is CMYK, and when is sRGB.
I mean they will use color profile from document.

I cannot reproduce this issue, please send me all steps to do that or send a screen recording to [email protected]

Thanks, i will try to fix it asap

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: 5.1.7 Hover bug
on: April 14, 2023, 07:46:06 AM
It will be fixed in 5.1.8

Thanks for this hint, i will do researches asap

We have just published version version 5.1.7 which should fix all (or most) bugs you reported above.
Please test.

We will try to fix all that asap

We will improve that soon

To copy stamps long press the stamp image and pick "Copy" or "Copy Image to Clipboard"

Lens Blur - i will consider that in the future

File Information - i agree, we will add it soon

Merging mask with clipping mask - we reproduced and fixed that

Exporting adjustment layers to psd - photoshop adjustment layers are not 100% compatible with artstudio so we don't export them at all actually

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: iPadOS 16.4 Bug
on: April 04, 2023, 07:52:44 AM
Everything works fine on my iPad, i cannot reproduce and fix it. As thumbnails are managed by system, maybe it is a system issue...

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: iPadOS 16.4 Bug
on: March 31, 2023, 03:32:39 AM
I did exactly the same test as on your video, and it worked fine.
Does it happen also when modifying small simple documents (just a 1-2 layers)?
Can you reboot and try again?
If it still happens -  Could you send me the document from video?

Can anybody confirm that issue?

I cannot reproduce that. I think it happens only in some specific scenarios...

Could you send me the document where it happens to [email protected]?

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: iPadOS 16.4 Bug
on: March 30, 2023, 03:00:52 AM
I cannot reproduce this, it just works fine on my iPad with iPadOS 16.4.

If you know how to repeat the issue please send us all steps.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Apple Pencil Hover
on: March 30, 2023, 02:59:18 AM
We have it implemented! New version will be released in the next few days.


I reproduced the issue on one of my iPads, and fixed it!

Thanks for your feedback!

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