on: January 03, 2018, 07:21:54 AM
Added Help sections on iOS, small improvements and bug fixes
both versions:
- added 'Taper' brush - similar to default brush in old Artstudio
- fixed wrong 1st frame in Screen Recording
- fixed Crop Layer To Image Bounds in some cases
- fixed Pick and Move mode in Move tool
- moving a selection is now possible only in 'New' mode (not possible in 'Add', 'Subtract' , 'Intersect')
- fixed Crop and Ellipse/Rect select tool when trying to select area out of image bounds
- changed order of buttons in export view - now PNG is the first from left
- few other small fixes and improvements
iOS version
- added 'Get Started' and 'FAQ' sections - available in Artstudio submenu list
- added separate option in Artstudio->Preferences for Eyedropper Delay when using Pencil
- fixed Polygon Lasso in Pencil Only mode - now if line was started using Pencil it can be continuead only with Pencil
- now 'Open Documents' popover is automatically hidden after closing all documents
macOS version:
- now Rename Group popup is correctly dismissed