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Messages - luministdream

Pages: [1]
Show your work / Re: Realistic watercolor. Acorn.
on: April 29, 2024, 12:58:04 AM
Hello! I haven’t posted the brushes yet, but I plan to.

Not easy for me.  ;)
I love watercolors but I just can’t get the hang of the technique. Trust me, I have tried. I load it up in an airbrush instead.  8)
Do you mean you can’t master simple watercolor or digital? If you take the default watercolor brushes in ART STUDIO PRO and paint with them, then it’s not very convenient for me to paint watercolors with them, but it’s possible. Already drawing. But I made it so that you could paint and mix paint with the same watercolor brush. And you can paint with either a dry brush (with dry edges when the watercolor paint dries) or a wet brush. At the same time, you can imitate water stains quickly and easily, with the same brush, without using any separate ready-made stamps. Painting with watercolors brush has become more fun, interesting and easier. The brush engine in ART STUDIO PRO is quite functional if you start digging into the settings and experimenting with different combinations.
And it’s easy to understand watercolors, just watch a few lessons and watch how they paint. Give it a try. Well, practice, of course.

Even if ASP is capable of emulate real watercolors it takes skill to make it look that real.
No, it's easy. If you painted with watercolors, then it’s quite easy to paint. If you haven't drawn before, you can quickly learn it.

Well, I can't tell if you scanned a real watercolor painting or if it's made in ASP.
Do you paint with traditional watercolors too?
I did not scan this picture :) It was completely drawn in ArtStudio Pro. I have not painted with traditional watercolors for a very long time. Probably since childhood.

Experiments with my realistic watercolor brush in ArtStudioPro.

Used only one brush.

Show your work / Realistic watercolor. The bird.
on: June 23, 2023, 01:49:18 AM
Experiments with my realistic watercolor brush in ArtStudioPro.

The first picture is the reference of real watercolour picture. The second picture is the result of digital watercolor painting. Used only one brush.

Show your work / Realistic watercolor. Tomatoes.
on: June 22, 2023, 09:12:48 AM
Continue experiments with my realistic watercolor brush in ArtStudioPro.

The first picture is the reference of real watercolour picture. The second picture is the result of digital watercolor painting. Used only one brush.

Show your work / Realistic watercolor. Acorn.
on: June 20, 2023, 04:01:08 AM
Experiments with my realistic watercolor brush in ArtStudioPro.

The first picture is the reference of real watercolour picture. The second picture is the result of digital watercolor painting.

Show your work / Realistic watercolor. Flower.
on: June 19, 2023, 06:05:04 AM
Continue experiments with my realistic watercolor brush in ArtStudioPro.

The first picture is the reference of real watercolour picture. The second picture is the result of digital watercolor painting. I used only one brush.

Show your work / Realistic watercolor - peppers.
on: June 18, 2023, 12:07:36 AM
Experimenting with realistic watercolor in ArtStudioPro.

The first picture is the reference of real watercolour picture. The second picture is the result of digital watercolor painting.

Experimenting with realistic watercolor in ArtStudioPro. I used only one brush for watercolor.

The first picture is the reference. The second is the result.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Suggestion: Important Hotkeys
on: November 08, 2020, 12:39:53 AM
Hello! I support the request for hotkeys. Especially on mac os. Please make separate hotkey settings for most actions. This will greatly speed up and simplify the work.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Keep paint wet?
on: October 28, 2020, 04:58:02 AM
I fully support the request for this feature! Really miss her! I would very much like to see it in the next versions! This would help a lot in drawing. I myself dream when it appears in your wonderful application. Do it please!

Pages: [1]