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Messages - Furshia

Pages: [1]
Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Re: Anything new on the horizon?
on: November 05, 2024, 08:23:23 AM
thank you for the update & hearing from the developers! I too love the app (paid the full version) and would be unfortunate if developers deserted it. I think it also has many many potentials like ui improvements. Hopefully when you guys get back to development you add more stuffs to art studio pro :)

also some suggestions for asp: add a sidebar option ( tools in the top are really unintuitive than before which were in the sides. On transform tool it would be cool if the apple pencil pro can rotate the “selected transformed area” by barrel roll. Also I think the quick menu could have an option for the texts to be replaced by icons for aesthetics (maybe custom icons too). Maybe add more gestures to asp like two finger swipe up for maybe like last tool used.

Overall please dont stop developing artstudio pro, maybe take breaks but dont give up on it :). Though on a serious note please invet in sponsors as the app is severely underrated and overthrown by the everpopular procreate (I actually tried it & had it refund for lack of features compare to this awesome thing  :) :) )

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