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Messages - diegostoliar

Pages: [1]
Lucky Clan News / Re: Introduce yourself
on: January 04, 2023, 12:02:35 AM
Hi, I'm Diego Stoliar. I'm from Brazil, currently leaving in Vancouver Canada.
I work with look dev and technical direction in a animation studio, and I would like to say I really like what you guys did on ArtStudio for MacOS. The software is fast, has good brushes and most of the tools we expect. I have lots of requests and ideas, but I will let this for later :D
I just want to congratulate you guys for what is already there.

Show your work / Spiderverse
on: January 03, 2023, 11:57:18 PM
My first attempt using ArtStudio Pro on a Macbook Air
feedback is wellcome :)

To see more of my stuff

Pages: [1]