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Messages - alfanders

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Hi Lucky Clan,

I always tend to forget where the keyboard shortcut menu resides. Whether it's inside General, Interface, Gestures, or Tools.
I always use change Keyboard Shortcut from time to time, and I always tend to forget everytime I need to open the menu.

Would it be possible for it to just be put outside? I think it goes well with the gestures and apple pencil option since both of them also addresses input device menus

Would love your consideration and opinion, Thanks Lucky Clan!!

Hi Lucky Clan,

I love the current implementation for Brush Resize on the brush side UI. It disappear immediately after the touch is released.

however this doesn't apply to keyboard shortcut

would it be possible to make the keyboard shortcut also immediately disappear?
This proves rather interfering especially when using ASP with Keyboard

I am aware that it is made that way so it's easier to add or remove brush bookmark.
However I think adding and removing brush bookmark could be done on the left UI since there's no way to use it with keyboard anyway.
So under no condition that the keyboard user would be dealing the brush bookmark feature.

Thank you so much! Would love your opinion! ✨

Apologies for the late reply, I wasn't aware of your message

The workflow basically always starts with finding out what color wouldn't make any change within that Blending mode

for your case which is Color Burn, it would be pure white #FFFFFF
for Overlay, itu would be 50% Gray #808080
for Color Dodge, it would be pure black #000000

now once you find it, fill the entire layer with that color, and select the layer blending mode
afterwards, you start drawing within that layer, and you might notice that it would simulate the same effect as "transparency shapes layer"

I usually fill my layer with pure black or pure 50% grey depending on the blending mode I used, before adding other colors, to simulate this effect. This would be hepful +1 ! ✨

I'd love more insight on how you achieve this! Because it's my favorite way to start a painting with how non-destructive it is but I haven't found a way to get something similar in Artstudio Pro.

Still hoping we get this feature! It's also very powerful when used in conjunction with other blending modes.

I learn so much new photoshop shortcuts here, thanks! ✨

Thank you so much Lucky Clan for your hardwork!! Appreciate itt 💖💖

Hi I’ve added this video showing this bug in action. I’ve also added the Clear Blending (Temp) indicator on the top toolbar. Turns out rather than the Clear Blending being on when being held, it toggles on and off instead.

Thank you !

I usually fill my layer with pure black or pure 50% grey depending on the blending mode I used, before adding other colors, to simulate this effect. This would be hepful +1 ! ✨

Oooh thank you Lucky Clan!! Will try asap!! Thank you so much for your kind consideration 💖💕

Beta with game controllers support is available now! Waiting for your feedback. I have tested it only with Joy-Con so please let us know if other controllers works fine.

Just tested with Dualsense and it works nicely! Thanks Lucky Clan!

Hmm, rather not, sorry.

hmm does that means that if we want to use the game controller on the go, we have to rebind the shortcut for game controller. And when we get back home to our workspace and want to use our keyboard, we gotta rebind the said keys with keyboard keys? 🤔

Thank you Lucky Clan! Would this also mean that one feature would be able to hold multiple shortcuts as well? Like you can use B on keyboard or RT on joycon to activate brush

Hi Lucky Clan! Hope you've been healthy!

I found a bug where if you hold tilda key (clear blending temp) and then brush several times, it turns on and off. I believe this isn't supposed to happen


Also I found out that you've implemented the number keys for opacity! It helps tremendously thank you so much! 💖🥰

Well yes and no 😅 You have to the start the controller in "keyboard mode" and then all of it's buttons get a random letter assigned (you can't choose). But then you can assign those letters to specific shortcuts within the Artstudio Pro preferences

Ah I see thank you icezimy! Waiting for Artstudio's joycon integration then! 💖

Huge fan of the app :)
With the recent Ios 16 update, there is an option to pair Gamepad.
I was wondering if there would be a possibility to add shortcuts based on Gamepad Like here (unfortunately there is no way to remap gamepad buttons to keyboard shortcuts on IPAD)

Thank you for the best painting app on iPad!

This is really nice!! +1 !! ✨


You can give the "8bitdo zero 2" controller a try. It has a "keyboard mode" and thus it's currently the only controller that can work for drawing shortcuts on iPad (as far as I'm aware). It's also small enough to hold in one hand.

Been using it for over an year like that and love it. Really helps to speed up the overall process.😄

thanks for sharing! is the buttons on the joystick configurable for iPad if I may ask?

Hi Lucky Clan, thank you so much for your reply and consideration!
Can't wait to try! ✨

Thanks for all your suggestions about mask/clipping mask, they are really helpful!
We will implement some of them in the new major update.

Upping this since I feel that mask interaction in Artstudio Pro right now is the least intuitive and effective one compared to other drawing programs like Photoshop or CSP, even Procreate.

Especially the selected-mask layer indicator, move layer + mask, and rearranging layers.

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