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Topics - Artsketch

Pages: [1]
I’m not using Artstudio Pro anymore. Tried and dropped. The redesign with fixed tools on top isn’t convenient. Why there isn’t a floating toolbar at least?

Option to flip the toolbar and color swatches. So user can chose which one is on the side and which one on the top.

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Free movable toolbars
on: August 02, 2020, 03:16:06 AM
Please make the the toolbars movable, so users can drag them anywhere they need.

Full support of Trackpad (Magic Keyboard) please

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Smaller icons to save more space
on: August 02, 2020, 03:08:07 AM
Smaller icons to save more space, size like Affinity or Vectornator on 12.9“ iPad Pro. For finger and fun use there could be a kid edition.

Please make the testflight beta installing as a separate app, alongside your store version. They will be better comparable and and customers can continue to use the store version for critical work without worry.

Please add the option for left main toolbar in 2.4 for iPad

The move of the main toolbar from left to top is not convenient.

Feature request for Artstudio Pro for iPad: Please add a Pen tool and Bézier curves for creating vector shapes.

Is Artstudio Pro using Metal 2 on iPad Pro? If not, is it planned in future updates?

Please thicker guidelines with customizable color. I’m using an iPad Pro 12.9“ and the guidelines appear too thin.

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