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Topics - alfanders

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Hi Lucky Clan,

I always tend to forget where the keyboard shortcut menu resides. Whether it's inside General, Interface, Gestures, or Tools.
I always use change Keyboard Shortcut from time to time, and I always tend to forget everytime I need to open the menu.

Would it be possible for it to just be put outside? I think it goes well with the gestures and apple pencil option since both of them also addresses input device menus

Would love your consideration and opinion, Thanks Lucky Clan!!

Hi Lucky Clan,

I love the current implementation for Brush Resize on the brush side UI. It disappear immediately after the touch is released.

however this doesn't apply to keyboard shortcut

would it be possible to make the keyboard shortcut also immediately disappear?
This proves rather interfering especially when using ASP with Keyboard

I am aware that it is made that way so it's easier to add or remove brush bookmark.
However I think adding and removing brush bookmark could be done on the left UI since there's no way to use it with keyboard anyway.
So under no condition that the keyboard user would be dealing the brush bookmark feature.

Thank you so much! Would love your opinion! ✨

Hi Lucky Clan! Hope you've been healthy!

I found a bug where if you hold tilda key (clear blending temp) and then brush several times, it turns on and off. I believe this isn't supposed to happen


Also I found out that you've implemented the number keys for opacity! It helps tremendously thank you so much! 💖🥰

Hi Lucky Clan! I have several suggestions regarding how Mask work and being presented in the UI.

The thing I absolutely love about Artstudio Pro's implementation of Mask layer is that you could stack multiple Masks, which is pretty unique to this app. This would enable a more non-destructive approach to masking which is missing from most of other programs.

The experience of adding masks is also wonderful where the first mask you make would treat eraser as a "black-colored brush" effectively erasing the target layer, but the next ones would be treated as a common layer where you could erase the part you don't want to use, and manually add "black-colored brush" to "erase" the lower part. This is just a great design and I believe there'd be more mask interaction possibilities in the future!

However in my humble opinion, I have encountered several things that makes it rather challenging to use Mask in Artstudio Pro in its current implementation. Here are some of them.


1. A rather "less-tidy" UI.

On the image above it is shown that the combination of clipping mask icon, mask icon, and the uneven indentation makes it rather challenging to see which layer actually clips to which. Or which mask actually affects which. This is getting even worse if it's inside a group that is inside another group.

With that in mind, here's my proposal of a solution so that the layers looks tidier, and more intuitive to see.

As shown above, now the mask layer uses the same column position with the target layer it is masking. I also reserved the left side of the layer just for the clipping mask icon. This declutter the view of the UI and makes it easier to actually see which column does a layer resides in.
I also reserved the right side of the layer to show the Mask icon. It also makes it easier to glance which layers are actually mask layers. It is easier to see since you don't have to think much about it.

"How about layer locking then? Isn't it on the right side as well?"

And here's my proposed solution for the locking icon. I made it smaller and put it on the left side of the mask icon. I think it looks quite nice and also functional at the same time.


In conclusion, above solution could provide:

- clearer column view, which makes it easier to see which layer clips to what layer.
- distinct placement of icon, which makes it easier to see which one is a mask, and which one is a clipping mask.


2. Less Intuitive Color to Opacity in Mask Layers

I think this is a pretty small additional feature I'd like to request. Right now, you could use a colored layer as a mask. This is fine, since you could use it as a regular layer later if you wish to. But on the thumbnail, it makes it rather challenging to actually imagine the color as black and white. For example, say, I use yellow color as a mask. It is quite challenging for me to know which grayscale opacity the yellow color actually being read as.

My solution for this is to simply show the thumbnail of a mask as a grayscale version of the layer. I believe this would make it easier to see which opacity the color actually stands for.

In conclusion, above solution could provide:

- More intuitive which "opacity" it is rather than guessing which color translates to which opacity.


3. Mask Selection

This is an additional feature that I believe would be immensely helpful to indicate which layer masks actually affects this current active layer.

As shown above, it now highlights all layers that's affected by the Mask. I think this solution makes sense since a layer mask is inseparable with the target layer. So as such, it should be treated, shown, and considered as one group of layers that acts as one. And with this, it is way easier to, at a glance, indicate those interconnecting layers.

I also believe it is quite important if the target layer is being moved or reordered, that the layer masks to also move along or reordered with the target layer.
Right now, if you have a few layer masks, if you move the target layer, the masks would just stay there. It makes it quite cumbersome to use masks, since if you do use them, you have to always multiple select those masks if you want to move your layer. It is quite a shame since the masking system is already very robust in Artstudio Pro.

Imagine you already spent half an hour to mask a challenging area like hair, with several mask layers so that you can do it in a non-destructive way and come back to it later. Only to find out that now, you have to always use multiple select whenever you want to move that hair layer, or reorder the layer. If you don't then only the hair layer would move, and the mask wouldn't. Which defeats the purpose of using mask to make your life easier.

That is why I suggest that Layer Mask always moves and reorders along with the Target Layer, if the Target Layer is being moved.

"But what if I don't want the layer to move along with the target layer? What if I want it to act independent positionally?"

I suggest to also add this option in the layer option menu. It's on by default, but you can disable it if you want to. If it is disabled, the layer now doesn't follow the movement of the target layer. But it's still reorders along with target layer.

"What if you want to only move the mask layer or reorder the mask layer?"
then you simply select The particular Mask Layer (not the target layer) and then move/reorders it.

I believe this is pretty intuitive, yet also easy to use. It now encourages you more to actually use the layer mask feature in a more non-destructive way.


In conclusion, above solution could provide:

- Easier way to Manage Masks without having to multi-select every single time.
- More intuitive UI that indicates which layers actually affects and being affected by the mask layer.


4. Additional UI Polish to add intuitiveness

Having Only the corner shows on the outside part of mask-affected layers helps to indicate which layer belongs in which mask group. I think this is quite nice to show in a glance which mask affects which layer! And which mask belongs to what group.


I love how Artstudio Pro enables you to use multiple stacked masks. I believe having these features would help the system to be more intuitive and easier to use.

Thank you so much! ✨✨

Hi, I have an idea I'd like to present. ✨

Right now, Quick Menu panel is very comfortable to use with the addition of swipe gesture. And it enables users to use it more quickly than ever. However, since the Quick Menu panel is rather large (especially when all the buttons are fully used) with no animation, it leads to a flashing screen which might be uncomfortable, or even worse, might trigger seizure to some people. 😔

So now I'd like to offer a solution for that which is Animated Quick Menu ✨

This Quick Menu animates the scale and opacity of the panel.

Since it doesn't instantly appear as a full opaque panel, if you swipe it fast enough, it would just appear as a very transparent panel, minimizing the flashing effect on the screen. Which would make it way more comfortable on the eyes! ✨💖

Here's the comparison video of both version with and without the animation.

FLASH WARNING. Please don't open if you're sensitive to flashing screen.


I tried to fine tune the animation to make it as comfortable on the eyes as possible.
Here's a little more detail on how I made the animation ✨

The panel opening animation
  • I used 0.15s for the duration.
  • For the opacity animation, I used Ease In Quint
  • For the scale animation, I used Ease Out Quad

The panel closing animation
  • I used 0.15s for the duration.
  • rather than lerping from alpha value of 1 to 0, insted, I'm getting the current alpha value of the panel and lerp it to 0.
  • For the opacity animation, I used Ease Out Quint
  • For the scale animation, I used Ease In Quad


I feel like this is an important feature. I hope this gets implemented. ✨
Thank you so much! 💖💖

Hi I have a suggestion regarding selecting and deselecting Layers.
This might be a rather long thread and I kinda feel bad so I kinda want to apologize in advance 💦💦

First of all, I think this might be a bug, if I try to select multiple layers, and deselect multiple layers, if I do it with "swipe right to deselect", once I selected one layer, it closes the multiselect mode. But if I do it with tap, once I selected one layer, it doesn't close the multiselect mode. I believe making this consistent would be great, so if it's alright, I do prefer the one where if there's one layer left, it automatically closes the multilayer selection mode.

Here's the video showing what I meant above.

Now for the suggestions :

1. Instantly turns to multiselect once user swipe right on a layer.

Currently, to do multiple selection, you either have to wipe right a little, and press select. Or do a big swipe right to automatically select the layer. My guess is that it is because the dev wants to communicate to the user that "Hey, this swipe right gesture would select the layer". And that is why the dev uses the button with "Select" text for it. I believe this is not really necessary. I believe the user would "get it" once they try swiping the layer once, and it turns out that swiping right would select layer. Because of this, I want to suggest instantly using multiselect once the layer is swiped right.

I made a mockup that illustrates what I mean


2. Select initial layer to deselect layers

As you might notice in the video above, within the mockup, there's one layer that gets a white outline when other layers are selected.

I have a suggestion to make this outlined layer acting to be an additional "bigger deselect button". I feel like this gesture would be quite intuitive. Here's how I come to that conclusion.

When you're drawing, you tend to select the layer you want to multiselect first, before selecting any other layers. For example, say, the Eye layer. Then, you want to select other layers like the hair, the ear, and the nose. It is pretty unusual for you to deselect the first layer you selected. Instead, I feel like it's pretty natural to "come back" to the initial layer that you selected, to activate only that layer, after you're done with selecting other layers. I feel like this would be pretty intuitive, and that's why I suggest this be added in addition to the existing selection button on the upper side of the panel.

Here's how I imagine this in action

2. (little addition) Group layer button

A little addition to the above suggestion. Since grouping layers are used all the time, I feel like having this button appear only when multi-select mode activates would be rather beneficial. I think it would make sense contextually as well.


3. Swipe Right smaller buttons (and additional duplicate button)

Currently, I believe quite similar to the "Select" button when you swipe right, the dev would like to communicate clearly that swiping left would delete the layer instead. That's why currently you would see a "Delete" button when you swipe right, and it'd Delete the layer once you do a bigger swipe left.

However, quite similar to the "Select" button, I believe the user would understand the usage of the swipe left once they try it for themselves. However, quite the contrary to the Select swipe gesture, I suggest to not delete the layer once you do a swipe or a big swipe left. Why I said this is because, deleting is quite destructive, and I believe, having the user "click" the delete button would make sure that they are aware of what they are doing. I feel like this makes sense UX-wise.

Also, I believe having the buttons use icon instead of text would decrease the needed space, yet still, be quite intuitive for the users. They literally uses the same button, I believe it is quite consistent, and the users who got confused would be minimal.

Additionally, from looking at my own experience and my artist friends around me, I noticed that a lot of us use "Add layer via copy" (which duplicates the layer onto a new layer) quite a lot.

That's why I think, along with the reduced size, we could add an "Add layer via copy" button beside the delete button.
Just like the delete button existing when you swipe left even tho the lower-right delete button is there, I think this also would be a comfortable place for a button alongside the "duplicate layer" one below.


I think that's all. Thank you so much for reading this far! Again I still kinda feel bad for the long thread so again I apologize 💦
Would love to hear your opinion! 💖✨

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Easier to reach OK button?
on: April 14, 2022, 03:06:35 PM
Hi, this is not really a suggestion but rather a sort of input/request (?) for the future iteration of the UI

currently, the OK button is on the bottom side of the toolbar. I believe this is pretty nice since it is consistent with other toolbars so that the user could have some sort of expectation for where to find the OK button.

However, I believe there's still room for improvement. Right now the bottom position I feel like it's not necessarily the most comfortable position to reach. I feel like putting it towards the center of the screen would make it more comfortable to reach.

Here's some mockup I tried to do. Again, not necessarily a suggestion to implement this as it is, but rather it's my attempt to find a solution to the above concern. I feel like this implementation could have two benefit :
1. It's closer to the center of the screen, hence easier to reach
2. It's visually distinct compared to the rest of the toolbar, making it easier and more intuitive for the user to notice the "ok" button.

Tho it has some drawbacks as well:
1. It takes more screen space for the toolbar.
2. The aesthetic might not be everyone's cup of tea

Hopefully, this could be something to consider for the future iteration of the UI. Of course, I would also love to know what you think!
Thank youuu 💖✨

Hi, I have a suggestion to combine these three Merge functionality into one.


Right now, the Merge options are separated into three options, which are Merge Down, Merge Group, and Merge Selected.
I think it would be better to combine them and use each functionality correspondingly.

Currently, you can only choose one of them at a time.
  • If you are in an active layer, you can only do Merge Down and nothing else
  • If you are in a group, you can only do Merge Group and nothing else
  • If you have several layers or groups selected, you can only do Merge Selected and nothing else

These three functions basically do the same thing, which is to merge the selected layers into a merged layer. But since the three of them are separated, you have to assign different keyboard shortcuts for each of them, and use them accordingly. If you're currently selecting a group, you won't be able to use your shortcut used for Merge Down, even tho contextually (not technically) it basically does the same thing which is merging the currently actively selected layers. And so on.

I believe combining them would make more sense contextually. And since these three (Merge Down, Merge Group, and Merge Selected) have no intersecting use case, it's even safer and even more intuitive for them to be combined into one Merge function that accommodates the three use cases accordingly based on the context of the situation.

The benefit of combining them into just one Merge option is also that you can just assign one Keyboard Shortcut to accommodate all Merging use cases.

Here's how I envision how the combined Merge works


As for toolbar, currently, whenever you click the Merge button, it shows options that displays the option either for Merge (based on context) or to Merge Visible. From what I try to understand, the intention is to show the user that it is possible to do Merge Visible if you want to. But for the majority of the time, people only want to do Merge with this button. And unfortunately, that means that whenever you want to Merge, you have to make two clicks, just to accommodate the rare occurrence where you'd want to use Merge Visible.

I believe that this could be improved. I'm suggesting that the button is now by default would be used for Merge if being clicked, and only when being held down, that it'd show the Merge and Merge Visible option. I think this would satisfy both needs to show the option of Merge Visible when needed, but also minimize the amount of click needed to do Merge making it more comfortable to use.


Would love to know your opinion on this! Thank you so much! 💖✨

Hi! I have a suggestion for the Paint sidebar! ✨✨

First of all, this might be rather complicated for me to explain so please feel free to ask the part where I'm not being clear. I genuinely do not mind, and I'd love to elaborate. Thank you in advance! ✨

There are two parts within this suggestion, which are :
  • Sidebar width for Paint tool.
  • Nudge mode for the sidebar for Paint tool, Colors sidebar, and Elastify filter.


1. Sidebar width for Paint tool.

I have a suggestion to increase the sidebar width for the Paint tool to be as wide as other tools. I noticed that all other tools such as Lasso, Move, etc have this rather wider toolbar which is easier to reach rather than the narrower Paint tool sidebar. I believe the example of the already implemented slider size would be on the Elastify tool sidebar.

And I feel like it is essential to widen/increase the active area of the slider so that it's more forgiving and could require less precise control, which would make it more comfortable to use. This video below shows that, currently, the slider "active area" on Elastify's slider is quite narrow.

I tried to click it from the outer side of the sidebar, and it registers as a sidebar gesture once it reaches the width of the (S) puck (shown in the dotted rectangle area). I believe making it wider would really benefit the comfort of interacting with the UI. Here's what I suggest how big the active area should be.


2. Nudge mode for the sidebar for Paint tool, Colors sidebar, and Elastify filter.

The next one is what I'm calling Nudge mode.

if you're using this Adjust Brush Size for the Single Touch gesture,

when you touch the screen, regardless of where you touch. The starting condition would be the current brush size, and it gets bigger or smaller based on the direction and distance of the swipe you make. Just like this .
For the sake of terminology, I'm going to call this "starting from the current condition and moving it towards the direction" as Nudging.

I feel like this is a brilliant feature, since you could be less precise in where you'd put your finger first if you want to stay using the same brush size. Unlike the default sidebar where the puck would always go to where you tap, making it quite challenging to select your current brush size. (Just for example, here's how it look for me trying to get the same brush size using current sidebar ).

I really love this feeling of being able to adjust the brush size gradually starting from your current size. Say, if you want to make a stroke, and turns out it's just a little too big, you could just swipe down just a little, and it'd be perfect. I feel like it's quite unfortunate that this experience would just be kept exclusive to the one-finger gesture swipe. Especially since there is another one-finger gesture that would be terrific to use (like my personal favorite, quick menu).

That is why I came up with this idea of having a Nudge Mode for Paint Sidebar (or any sidebar that uses a slider, for example, Elastify). It basically is an area that acts as a starting point (like a huge button in the shape of a slider) that would activate the same behavior as the Adjust Brush Size gesture. That is, wherever you touch the area within the slider, it would use the Current brush size, and gradually increase or decrease the size based on the distance of your swipe.

And since it doesn't require you to actually touch/point at the slider puck, you could use a smaller more-precise puck indicator for the slider.
Like this! or this for the color picker!

This would be especially useful for the Color Sidebar where you want to gradually offset the color to make a subtle color variation. Since this Nudge Mode slider allows you to be less precise, you could be adding a little bit of, say, red color  more easily than having to actually click the same position of slider puck using the default color slider.

Here's a mockup showing how I imagine the Nudge Mode would work.

It could be seen that once the brush size nudge is active, it doesn't matter if the swipe is being dragged out of the slider active area, it would still register as nudging the brush size. This maximizes comfort and gives a more forgiving UX. It also could be seen that since it's designed for a less-precise control, you could basically use the swipe without really looking at the slider. Since you're looking at the center of the canvas where you're currently drawing, I believe it'd be better UX-wise and would be easier on the eye to use the center brush preview rather than the side brush preview usually used for slider.


Extra :

If this does gets implemented, if it's not too much, I'd also ask an additional thing

Just like there's two options for these gestures

I'd also love to have a version of Nudge Mode that doesn't have the Opacity option since I'd prefer to have my opacity locked in the brush setting and not changing it. Having the option to not have the Opacity slider would help me not to accidentally change the Opacity setting of my brush. So, something like this


Thank you so much for reading this far!! Please feel free to ask me to elaborate on any part you like!
Would love to hear your opinion on this!!

Thank youuu ✨✨

Hi, I have a suggestion regarding usage for Quick Menu setup and Keyboard Shortcut ✨

Currently, if you want to set a new button on Quick Menu, or set up a Keyboard Shortcut, you are greeted with a long list of options that lists all the features of the program. The features would be placed in each category and sorted alphabetically. While this works if you want to browse what's the available features of the app, it is rather tricky to find a certain feature, especially if you are not sure in which category the feature belongs.

I'm thinking that the addition of search functionality would help with this. Since this would lessen the effort in looking for a certain feature, it would also encourage more customization from the user, which would be nice since Artstudio Pro is already brilliantly packed with lots of customization options. ✨

Also, I made a little mockup on how I imagine the search function might look like.

I am aware this might be rather tricky to implement, and I do think this would be worth the effort given how vast Artstudio Pro's customization options. Please let me know what you think!
Thank You!! ✨✨

Hi, I've read this thread that there's a plan to add foreground/background color. I think this is brilliant since it'd be especially helpful for mask interaction for example, or just switching color in general. (There's mention of last brush feature on that topic but I'd like to focus on the background/foreground color feature instead in this thread)

switch to previous color / brush

May I know whether this is still ongoing? I think this feature would be greatly beneficial.

also, I noticed on this post that there's a space concern, especially on smaller devices, so I tried to come up with some potential solutions that take as little space as possible.

There is no space for that on ipad 9.7/mini in portrait orientation.

Switching between current and previous - im rather looking for solution to show 5-10 recent swatches/brushes.

Eraser mode in Paint tool - version 2.1 will add 2 new blending modes for Paint and Pencil tools: behind and eraser.

Thank you ! ✨

Hi! I have an idea regarding Eraser and Smudge option for One Finger Function gesture here

Currently, in the Eyedropper finger gesture, you could activate it with your finger, and then use the Apple Pencil to override the position to the Apple Pencil location. I think this is brilliant since Apple Pencil is more accurate to use than a finger! ✨✨

I'm wondering whether it is possible to implement the same capability for Eraser and Smudge?

So that if you're using your finger, you'd Erase / Smudge as usual. But if you put your Apple Pencil down while your finger is touching the screen, you would use your Apple Pencil (position and pressure) to Erase / Smudge instead.

I think that'd be terrific because aside from the increased accuracy of the Apple Pencil, you could also utilize the pencil's pressure! ✨✨

Additionally, since it is a one-finger gesture, you could activate this from any position on the Canvas, massively requiring less accuracy and increasing the speed of activation ✨✨.

The experience would feel similar to "Temporary Activating Eraser" if you're holding Eraser Button on your keyboard, but for keyboard-less usage. I feel like this could also increase the consistent feeling of the app between using the keyboard and without using the keyboard. ✨✨


Hi, I have a request regarding the Brush Preview (shown above) if it's alright 😁

Currently, the brush preview while using "Adjust Brush" gesture is terrific! It shows the preview in the center of the screen which is really easy to see. Yet currently, when you use keyboard shortcut, it's shown on the left side which is still visible, but I feel like the center one feels much better and comfortable for me to see.

If it's not too much work, I'd love to have the option to use the center brush preview when I use the keyboard shortcut to tweak the brush size as well. That'd be lovely! 💖

Thank Youuuu ✨

Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Suggestion : Gradient Map UX
on: March 24, 2022, 01:44:54 PM
Hi, I have a suggestion regarding Gradient Map UX

Currently, on most adjustment layers, you'd only need one click if you want to modify the layer.
And I think this is brilliant since it facilitates constant adjustments.

Here's an example on Curve Adjustment Layer

This however doesn't really seem to apply to the Gradient Map adjustment layer.
Right now, you need 5 steps in total to change the gradients.
And I think, if you're trying to edit the current active gradient only, the last part is quite confusing and unintuitive as well since you'd have to select Close instead of Save
And if you select Save, it'd change your current saved Gradient Map swatches as well, which is mostly not what we want when we just want to modify the active layer.

I feel like, clicking these 5 steps whenever you just want to tweak the gradient map handle, say, a little bit to the left, doesn't really facilitate constant adjustments.


I came up with a suggestion to implement a more intuitive UI where tweaking would only require one step. I believe that most users would only need this one step most of the time. I'd love to know what you think.

Thank you! ✨

Hi, I have an idea/suggestion to implement additional gestures for the Quick Panel.

I feel like the Quick Panel is a brilliant feature especially for drawing on the iPad without a keyboard.
And I feel having these additional gestures would increase the intuitiveness, productivity, and effectiveness of the panel.

I feel like the current "tap to show Quick Panel" is brilliant and should stay. And I'm thinking of this gesture feature to be implemented additionally on top of the existing gesture to summon Quick Panel.
I'm thinking of having these buttons to be able to be selected if you hold the finger and swipe with a finger gesture, on top of the usual Quick Panel implementation.

It's quite important for me to note that having only these buttons to be available for the swipe gestures enables it to be selected with less precision than having all the buttons being selectable. For example, if you want to select Eraser, you'd just need to swipe left as far and quickly as you like. Or if you want to perform Clear, you'd only need to swipe down as far or as quickly as you'd like.

Also, I think it'd be required to implement a Deadzone around the position where you tap the screen, so that when you're just trying to open the Quick Panel by tapping, even tho you might drag it a little, it won't be registered as a swipe as long as it still falls within the deadzone.

I made this mockup to better explain how it might work

I feel like using this gesture would enable an intuitive selection of tools/functions. And since you could access it from anywhere on the canvas, it'd require a less precise interaction than, say, selecting tools on the topside toolbar. Which I believe would enable a faster more productive workflow, especially without a keyboard.

I believe this drag/swipe function could be implemented on the one-touch, double touch, and triple touch finger gestures. It might also work with the three fingers swipe gesture but I'm not really sure yet. How it works for the multiple taps gestures is to double-tap and hold on to your last tap, and drag your finger towards the tool you want to use.

Here's how I imagine the implementation for the one-touch, double touch, and triple touch finger gestures would be.


I'd really appreciate it if this could be implemented. I think this would greatly increase the productivity of using Artstudio Pro on iPad, especially when you're not using a keyboard.

Lastly, I made this mockup of how it might look like using this feature in action

Thank you so much! 💖✨

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