Suggestions, Ideas, Bugs / Toggle behavior needed on view selection options.
on: August 03, 2019, 02:49:22 AM
Hey there,
The View menu has 3 options under Selection. Quick mask, Marching ants and None.
I tried to use the third through a keyboard shortcut so I can hide the selection when needed and I realized that it doesn’t have a toggle behavior. Using the shortcut again doesn’t toggle back into revealing the selection (like for example the lock transparency keyboard shortcut works.) It stays hidden until you choose another option from the menu to reveal the selection again.
My suggestion would be to have basically 2 options of displaying selections (quick mask and marching ants) and use a visible/invisible toggle keyboard shortcut to go back and forth between your current choice of displaying selections and hiding them all together. Another solution would be to just include the selection visibility in the Show helpers on/off option which already has a toggle behavior.
Thank you once again for this amazing app. I’m literally working full time now on my iPad because of it.
Keep up the great work!
The View menu has 3 options under Selection. Quick mask, Marching ants and None.
I tried to use the third through a keyboard shortcut so I can hide the selection when needed and I realized that it doesn’t have a toggle behavior. Using the shortcut again doesn’t toggle back into revealing the selection (like for example the lock transparency keyboard shortcut works.) It stays hidden until you choose another option from the menu to reveal the selection again.
My suggestion would be to have basically 2 options of displaying selections (quick mask and marching ants) and use a visible/invisible toggle keyboard shortcut to go back and forth between your current choice of displaying selections and hiding them all together. Another solution would be to just include the selection visibility in the Show helpers on/off option which already has a toggle behavior.
Thank you once again for this amazing app. I’m literally working full time now on my iPad because of it.
Keep up the great work!